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FBG.Hertzian Contact Calculator*

The FBG.Hertzian Contact Calculator is a tool designed to compute contact stiffness and the stiffness exponent based on Hertzian contact theory. It evaluates the mechanical interaction between two bodies in contact, considering their geometry and material properties. This calculator supports various contact types, including point and line contacts.

*Use at your own risk! FunctionBay takes no responsibility for any surprises, miscalculations, or unintended physics experiments. Have fun, but use common sense!

Left & Right Layout
Body 1

Body 2

Hertzian Contact Descriptive Image Text

Ellipsoid-To-Ellipsoid Contact

The contact stiffness \( k \) is given by an exponential function: \[ F(\delta) = k \delta^{1.5} \] Therefore, the exponent is always 1.5. The contact stiffness is defined as: \[ k = \frac{\sqrt{8}}{3} \left( \frac{\xi(\theta)}{\psi(\theta)} \right)^{1.5} \frac{\hat{E}}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{R_{11}} + \frac{1}{R_{12}} + \frac{1}{R_{21}} + \frac{1}{R_{22}}}} \]


  • \( R_{11}, R_{12} \): Radii of the first ellipsoid.
  • \( R_{21}, R_{22} \): Radii of the second ellipsoid.
  • \( \theta \): Angular variable measured in radians.

Effective E-Modulus

The effective modulus \( \hat{E} \) is given by:\[ \frac{2}{\hat{E}} = \frac{(1 - \nu_1^2)}{E_1} + \frac{(1 - \nu_2^2)}{E_2} \]

Cylinder-To-Cylinder (Parallel) Contact

For the force \( F \) and displacement \( \delta(F) \):\[ \delta = \frac{4F}{\pi \hat{E} L} \left( 1.8864 + \ln \left( \frac{L}{2a} \right) \right) \]The contact half-width \( a \) is calculated as:\[ a = \sqrt{\frac{8FR(1 - \nu^2)}{\pi \hat{E} L}} \]

Exponential Function Fit:

The user is required to set the expected force \( F_{\omega} \), which helps in creating a suitable exponential function.